
Plenary speakers

Anke Lindner - PMMH, ESPCI, Paris - Steering microscopic particles in viscous flows via shape and deformability.

Christophe Marquette - ICBMS, GEMBA, Lyon - Bioprinting and 3D printing

Fabien Montel - Lab Phys, ENS Lyon - Transport through biomimetic nanopores : directionality and selectivity


Laureates of "Young Researcher in microfluidics" prizes

The 6 Laureates of 2020 GDR MNF prizes will be invited to give a lecture about their work.

Find here a presentation of their project: https://www.gdrmicrofluidique.com/prix-chercheurs-2020/

Nikita Kavokine - ENS Paris - Fluids at the nanoscale: from ionic correlations to quantum friction

Lucile Alexandre - Institut Curie / IPGG, Paris, and McGill University, Montréal, Canada - Integrated Microfluidics Platform for EVs Detection and Characterization: how to dissect their heterogeneity?

Claire Amadio-Dessalles - Ladhyx, Polytrechnique - Flow-actuation generates shear and strain in a microvessel-on-chip

Afshin Abrishamkar - ESPCI, now at McMaster Univ, Canada - Continuous-flow microfluidics provides a robust platform for controlled production of conventionally-unachievable species of functional materials

Hugo Chesneau - LOMA, Bordeaux - Optical and acoustical deformation of fluid-fluid interfaces

Fan Zhang - ICMCB / I2M, Bordeaux - Supercritical Antisolvent (SAS) Process Intensification through the Use of High Pressure (HP) Microfluidic Mixing

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